Title E-Commerce Technologies and Applications
Lesson Code 321-8200
Semester 9
Hours (Theory) 3
Hours (Lab) 0
Faculty Department Secretary


Basic principles of e-Commerce and e-Business (Electronic Market, EDI, Internet). Digital products and services. E-Commerce vs. e-Business. Business models for elec-tronic markets (e-shops, e-malls, e-procurements, e-auctions, third party marketplaces, virtual communities, collaboration platforms, information brokerages). Development of a prototype e-Business application using a higher level content management and transaction management platform.

Learning Outcomes

The understanding of e-Business and e-Commerce business models, main applications and services. The blending of enterprise models with programming techniques, for developing working prototypes of e-Business service platforms.

Prerequisite Courses

Not required.

Basic Textbooks

1. Internet Technologies & e-commerce, Edition: 1η/2006, Ν. Karanikolas, ISBN: 960-8105-943, Publisher New Technologies.
2. E-commerce 2013 (9th Edition) , Kenneth Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver.

Additional References

1. PHP and MySQL Web Development, , 4th Edition/2011, Welling Luke,Thomson Laura, ISBN: 978 960 512 617 9.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lab and theory exams.

Student Performance Evaluation

Lab exercises, lectures, case studies.

Language of Instruction and Examinations

Greek, English (for Erasmus students)

Delivery Mode
