Title Electronic Government Technologies and Applications
Lesson Code 321-11100
Semester 8
Hours (Theory) 3
Hours (Lab) 0
Faculty Charalabidis Yannis


Main concepts of e-Governance. The Greek Public Sector - structure and functions. Main services to citizens, businesses and between public bodies. Business process management in public administration and local government. Current situation at International, European and National level (e-government indicators). Principles and main issues of open and participatory governance. Systems and methodologies of e-participation and e-democracy. Open government data: administrative processes and information and communication technologies. Social networks in public administration and in the provision of services to citizens and businesses. Cases and systems from central government and local government. Cases and systems from central government and local government.
Teamwork: Developing innovative prototypes for e-government.

Learning Outcomes

The student that wiil complete the present module will be able to:

  • Know the structure of the Greek public sector and the main EU organisations
  • Understand the various information systems used in the public sector
  • Know the key digital public services (to be) provided towards citizens and businesses
  • Analyse the current status of an organisation, pertaining to the level of digitasation
  • Use the various digital governance and interoperability standards in Greece and EU
  • Take part in the design and implementation of innovative information systems for the public sector

Prerequisite Courses

Not required.

Basic Textbooks

 Charalabidis Y., Koussouris S. (2012) ”Empowering Open and Collaborative Governance: Technologies and Methods for On-line Citizen Engagement in Public Policy Making”, pp. 1-296, ISBN 978-3-642-27218-9, Springer Publications, 2012.

Additional References

Research papers from GIQ, JOCEC and JKEC journals

Student Performance Evaluation

 Final examination and lab exercises (theoretical and programming).
The mark of final exercise should be ≥ 4 for attendance in the final examinations. The mark of final examination should be ≥ 4 for successful course completion. The final mark is computed as follows: 0.4 * (Mark of Exercises) + 0.6 * (Mark of Examination) and should ≥ 5.

For each examination/exercises subject clearly specified evaluation criteria are given. The students can see their exam paper after the final examination and inspect their faults. The overall distribution of marks is announced on eClass, so that students can evaluate their performance.

Language of Instruction and Examinations

Greek, English (for Erasmus Students)

Delivery Mode

face to face