Title Game Theory
Lesson Code 321-8000
Semester 8
Hours (Theory) 3
Hours (Lab) 0
Faculty Kaporis Alexis


Introduction to game theory, definition of equilibrium notions, examples. Pure and mixed Nash equilibriums. Price of anarchy. Non zero sum games. Lemke-Howson's algorithm. The complexity of computing equilibriums and Brower's fixed point. The PPAD class. The PLS class. Approximate equilibriums. Stackelberg strategies. Braess's paradox.

Learning Outcomes

When the student completes the course successfully:

  • She will have the knowledge to model the interaction of rational entities, with respect to antagonistic or cooperative nature.
  • She will have the skills to study contexts and real world applications of algorithmic game theory.
  • She will have the capability to analyze theoretically and experimentally various games .

Prerequisite Courses

Not required.

Basic Textbooks

1. Algorithmic Game Theory, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, N. Nissan.

Additional References

Games and Economic Behavior

Teaching and Learning Methods

Activity Semester workload
Lectures 39 hours
Personal study 83 hours
Final exams 3 hours
Course total 125 hours (5 ECTS)

Student Performance Evaluation

Lectures with slides, use of optimization software as maple, matlab. The lectures are written in videos to help the understanding.

Language of Instruction and Examinations

Greek (English for Erasmus students)

Delivery Mode
