Title Probability and Statistics
Lesson Code 321-2400
Semester 1
Hours (Theory) 3
Hours (Lab) 2
Faculty Kofinas Georgios


Axiomatic definition of probability, independent events, conditional probabilities, Bayes theorem, combinatorial analysis, discrete and continuous random variables, distribution functions, distributions of special interest: Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential, normal, Gamma, Weibull. Joint distribution functions, independent random variables, conditional distributions, moment generating functions, limit theorems, central limit theorem, strong law of large numbers. Descriptive statistics.

Learning Outcomes

After the successful fulfilment of the course, the student: -will have a deep and working knowledge of the basic notions of Probability theory, Combinatorics and Statistics as these are described in the course syllabus,

  • will have the knowledge to interpret various mathematical models within Probability theory and a solid conceptual and technical background for further study and investigation,
  • will have the ability to compute probabilities and various quantities of a one-dimensional or a multi-dimensional random variable, such as its distribution function, the expected value or the variance,
  • will have the ability to recognize well-known discrete and continuous probability distributions and to interrelate them with real problems of practical interest,
  • will have the ability though the foundations of Statistics to use the methodology of the basic estimating parameters and to perform calculations.

Prerequisite Courses

Not required.

Basic Textbooks

  • M. Koutras, Theory of Probability and Applications, Stamoulis Eds.
  • T. Daras, P. Sypsas, Probabilities and Statistics, Theory and Applications, Ziti Eds.
  • Instructor's notes.
  • S. Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Acad. Press.
  • P. Hoel, S. Port, C. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Crete Univ. Press.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Systematic development and thorough explanation of the theory (and through examples), methods of solutions of exercises-solutions of exercises in the teaching hours and in the problem session hours. Homeworks, tests, final written exam.

Activity Semester workload
Lectures 39 hours
Review-problem session Hours 26 hours
Personal study 57 hours
Final exams 3 hours
Course total 125 hours (5 ECTS)


Student Performance Evaluation

Homeworks, tests, final written exam.

Language of Instruction and Examinations

Greek (English for Erasmus students)

Delivery Mode
