A. Amidi,
N. Nomikos, P. Trakadas, The Use of “Ethics by Design” Approach as a Method to Mitigate the Challenges Posed by Automated Decision-Making Systems in Justice, FAIEMA 2024, International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications, (to_appear), Oct, 2024, Athens, Greece, Springer,
A. Giannopoulos, I. Paralikas, S. Spantideas,
N. Nomikos, P. Trakadas, PDPPnet: Prioritized Delay-aware and Peer-to-Peer Task Offloading in Cloud-Edge Continuum with Double Dueling Deep Q-Networks, CAMAD 2024, International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, (to_appear), Oct, 2024, Athens, Greece, IEEE,
F. Granelli, M. Qaisi, P. Kapsalis, P. Gkonis,
N. Nomikos, I. Zacarias, A. Jukan, P. Trakadas, AI/ML-Assisted Threat Detection and Mitigation in 6G Networks with Digital Twins: The HORSE Approach, CAMAD 2024, International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, (to_appear), Oct, 2024, Athens, Greece, IEEE,
G. Xylouris, P. Trakadas,
N. Nomikos, C. Mandilaris, A. Giannopoulos, V. Nikolakakis, G. Patsourakis, P. Gkonis, A Distributed Trustable AI Engine for Anomaly Detection in 6G Networks: Architecture, Use Cases and Performance Evaluation, CAMAD 2024, International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, (to_appear), Oct, 2024, Athens, Greece, IEEE,
A. Kalafatelis, N. Stamou, A. Dailani, T. Theodoridis,
N. Nomikos, A. Giannopoulos, N. Tsoulakos, G. Alexandridis, P. Trakadas, A Lightweight Predictive Maintenance Strategy for Marine HFO Purification Systems, EMCIS 2024, European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, (to_appear), Sep, 2024, Athens, Greece, Springer,
A. Giannopoulos,
N. Nomikos, G. Ntroulias, T. Syriopoulos, P. Trakadas, Maritime Federated Learning for Decentralized On-Ship Intelligence, AIAI 2023, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Jun, 2023, León, Spain, Springer, Cham,
N. Nomikos, A. Giannopoulos, P. Trakadas, G. K. Karagiannidis, Uplink NOMA for UAV-Aided Maritime Internet-of-Things, DRCN 2023, International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks, Apr, 2023, Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/DRCN57075.2023.1... [8]
A. Giannopoulos, S. Spantideas,
N. Nomikos, A. Kalafatelis, P. Trakadas, Learning to Fulfill the User Demands in 5G-enabled Wireless Networks through Power Allocation: a Reinforcement Learning approach, DRCN 2023, International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks, Apr, 2023, Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain, IEEE,
A. Kalafatelis,
N. Nomikos, A. Angelopoulos, C. Trochoutsos, P. Trakadas, An Effective Methodology for Imbalanced Data Handling in Predictive Maintenance for Offset Printing, ICMCE 2023, International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering , Jan, 2023, Athens, Greece,
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, R. Wichman, MABAMS: Multi-Armed Bandit-Aided Mode Selection in Cooperative Buffer-Aided Relay Networks, GC 2022, IEEE Globecom Workshops, Dec, 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/GCWkshps56602.20... [11]
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, R. Wichman, Bandit-Based Power Control in Full-Duplex Cooperative Relay Networks, ICC 2021, International Conference on Communications, Jun, 2021, Montreal, QC, Canada, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/ICC42927.2021.95... [12]
E. Fountoulakis, T. Charalambous,
N. Nomikos, A. Ephremides, N. Pappas, Information Freshness and Packet Drop Rate Interplay in a Two-User Multi-Access Channel, ITW 2021, Information Theory Workshop, Apr, 2021, Riva del Garda, Italy, IEEE,
N. Nomikos, S. Talebi, R. Wichman, T. Charalambous, Bandit-Based Relay Selection in Cooperative Networks over Uknown Stationary Channels, MLSP 2020, IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Sep, 2020, Espoo, Finland, IEEE
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, N. Pappas, D. Vouyioukas, R. Wichman, LoLA4SOR: A Low-Latency Algorithm for Successive Opportunistic Relaying, INFOCOM 2019, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency in Wireless Networks, pp. 1-6, May, 2019, Paris, France, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS472... [15]
Nikolaos Angelis, N. Archontos, D. Vouyioukas,
N. Nomikos, C. Skianis, An Integrated NAN Architecture for Smart Energy Grid, ENERGYCON 2018, 5th IEEE International Energy Conference, Jun, 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, IEEE,
N. Nomikos, N. Pappas, T. Charalambous, Y. A. Pignolet, Deadline-Constrained Bursty Traffic in Random Access Wireless Networks, SPAWC 2018, International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Jun, 2018, Kalamata, Greece, IEEE
E. T. Michailidis, N. Nomikos, P. Bithas, D. Vouyioukas, A. G. Kanatas, Optimal Relay Location and Oppοrtunistic User-Scheduling for Stratospheric Communications, SPACOMM 2018, 10th International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications, Apr, 2018, Athens, Greece, IARIA
E. T. Michailidis, N. Nomikos, P. Bithas, D. Vouyioukas, A. G. Kanatas, Outage Probability of Triple-Hop Mixed RF/FSO/RF Stratospheric Communication Systems, SPACOMM 2018, 10th International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications, Apr, 2018, Athens, Greece, IARIA
D. D. Penda, N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, M. Johansson, Minimum Power Scheduling under Rician Fading in Full-Duplex Relay-Assisted D2D Communications, IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 Workshops: Workshop on Full-Duplex Communications for Future Wireless Networks, Dec, 2017, Singapore, IEEE
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, D. Vouyioukas, G. K. Karagiannidis, R. Wichman, Relay Selection for Buffer-Aided Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 Workshops: 2nd International Workshop on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Techniques for 5G, Dec, 2017, Singapore, IEEE,
http://doi.org/10.1109/GLOCOMW.2017.8269... [21]
M. Karavolos, V. Tatsis, D. N. Skoutas,
N. Nomikos, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, A Dynamic Hybrid Clustering Scheme for LTE-A Networks Employing CoMP-DPS, CAMAD 2017, 22nd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Jun, 2017, Lund, Sweden, IEEE,
E. Bogdani, D. Vouyioukas,
N. Nomikos, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, Single-Point Model of MIMO-UWB Indoor Systems Using Time-Reversal Transmission, ICC 2017, International Conference on Communications, May, 2017, Paris, France, IEEE,
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, D. Vouyioukas, G. K. Karagiannidis, LoCo-Link: A Low-Complexity Link Selection Algorithm for Delay Mitigation in Asymmetric Two-Hop Networks, ICC 2017, International Conference on Communications, May, 2017, Paris, France, IEEE,
http://doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2017.7997058 [24]
S. M. Kim, T. Charalambous,
N. Nomikos, M. Bengtsson, M. Johansson, Relay Pair Selection Using Phase-Alignment in Buffer-Aided Successive Opportunistic Relaying, First International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking 2017: BalkanCom 2017 Invited Session (Signal Processing), (to_appear), May, 2017, Tirana, Albania,
D. Poulimeneas, T. Charalambous,
N. Nomikos, I. Krikidis, D. Vouyioukas, M. Johansson, A delay-aware hybrid relay selection policy, ICT 2016, International Conference on Telecommunications, May, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, IEEE,
D. Poulimeneas, T. Charalambous,
N. Nomikos, I. Krikidis, D. Vouyioukas, M. Johansson, Delay- and diversity-aware buffer-aided relay selection policies in cooperative networks, WCNC 2016, Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Apr, 2016, Doha, Qatar, IEEE,
M. Karavolos, V. Tatsis, P. Drakatos, G. Chondrompilas,
N. Nomikos, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, A Load and Channel Aware Dynamic Point Selection Algorithm for LTE-A CoMP Networks, TEMU 2016, International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, Dec, 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, IEEE,
E. Bogdani, D. Vouyioukas,
N. Nomikos, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, Angle-Based Time Fingerprint Positioning Technique for Indoor UWB Systems, ICC 2015, International Conference on Communications, Jun, 2015, London, UK, IEEE,
N. Nomikos, E. T. Michailidis, D. Vouyioukas, A. G. Kanatas, Mobile-to-Mobile Communications via Stratospheric Relays: Relay Selection and Performance Analysis, ICC 2015, International Conference on Communications, Jun, 2015, London, UK, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2015.7248439 [30]
E. Bogdani, D. Vouyioukas,
N. Nomikos, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, A Hybrid Lateration Time-Fingerprint Position Estimation Technique for Indoor UWB Systems, CAMAD 2014, International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Dec, 2014, Athens, Greece, IEEE,
N. Nomikos, P. Makris, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, Relay Selection in 5G Networks, IWCMC 2014, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Aug, 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/IWCMC.2014.69064... [32]
N. Nomikos, P. Makris, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, Enabling Wireless Prosuming in 5G Networks, TEMU 2014, International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, Jul, 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMU.2014.691775... [33]
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, I. Krikidis, D. Vouyioukas, M. Johansson, Hybrid Cooperation through Full-Duplex Opportunistic Relaying and Max-Link Relay Selection with Transmit Power Adaptation, ICC 2014, International Conference on Communications, Jun, 2014, Sydney, Australia, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2014.6884231 [34]
N. Nomikos, T. Charalambous, I. Krikidis, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, M. Johansson, Buffer-aided Successive Opportunistic Relaying with Inter-Relay Interference Cancellation, PIMRC 2013, 24th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Sep, 2013, London, UK, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/PIMRC.2013.66663... [35]
N. Nomikos, P. Makris, D. Vouyioukas, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, Distributed Joint Relay-Pair Selection for Buffer-Aided Successive Opportunistic Relaying, CAMAD 2013, International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Sep, 2013, Berlin, Germany, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/CAMAD.2013.67081... [36]
N. Nomikos, D. Vouyioukas, T. Charalambous, I. Krikidis, D. N. Skoutas, M. Johansson, Capacity Improvement through Buffer-Aided Successive Opportunistic Relaying, Global Wireless Summit, International Conference on Wireless VITAE, Jun, 2013, New Jersey, USA,
https://doi.org/10.1109/VITAE.2013.66170... [37]
P. Makris,
N. Nomikos, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, Α Context-Aware Backhaul Management Solution for combined H2H and M2M traffic, CITS 2013, International Conference on Computer Information and Telecommunication Systems, May, 2013, Piraeus-Athens, Greece, IEEE,
N. Nomikos, P. Makris, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, A Cooperation Framework for LTE Femtocells’ Efficient Integration in Cellular Infrastructures Based on Femto Relay Concept, CAMAD 2012, International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Sep, 2012, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/CAMAD.2012.63353... [39]
N. Nomikos, D. Vouyioukas, A Successive Opportunistic Relaying Protocol with Inter-Relay Interference Mitigation, IWCMC 2012, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Aug, 2012, Limassol, Cyprus, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/IWCMC.2012.63142... [40]
N. Nomikos, D. N. Skoutas, D. Vouyioukas, C. Skianis, A Spectral Efficient Multi-Mode Relaying Technique, ICC 2012, International Conference on Communications, Jun, 2012, Ottawa, Canada, IEEE,