
Master of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Research Interests

- Open Data

- Open Government Data

- Data Science

- Natural Language Processing

- Graph Analytics

- Business informatics

- Artificial Intelligence

Teaching Activities


Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Mohsan Ali, G. Papageorgiou, B. Aziz, E. Loukis, Y. Charalabidis, C. Alexopoulos, J. Lopez, A Framework for the Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Interoperability for Open Data Ecosystems Development, Ιnformation Polity, 2024, IOS Press, (to_appear), , indexed in SCI-E, IF =

The generation of social and economic value from the vast quantities of data opened by governments has been much lower than the initial expectations. It requires the development and cooperation of ecosystems composed of various public, private, and non-profit actors. For the development of these ecosystems in order to generate social and economic value from open government data (OGD), necessary conditions are, on the one hand, the availability of a critical mass of OGD and, on the other hand, the existence of some level of homogeneity and interoperability among the numerous portals and websites providing them, which enables their combined exploitation that increases the potential for value generation from them. This paper focuses on the latter and develops the Technical, Semantic, Legal, and Organizational (TSLO) Interoperability Framework, a conceptual tool designed to provide a structured multi-dimensional assessment of the interoperability capabilities of OGD infrastructures, based on the ‘European Interoperability Framework’ (EIF) as well as relevant OGD literature. This TSLO framework has been applied for the assessment of the above main dimensions of the interoperability of the OGD infrastructures of the Greek local government administration institutions of all three layers (decentralized, regional, and municipal). After this application, nine interviews were conducted with nine municipalities that do not provide OGD in order to gain a deeper understanding of the reasons for this. The results of this first application of TSLO revealed not only the low participation of Greek local government institutions, and especially of the municipalities, in the OGD movement (with only 8 out of the 332 municipalities providing open data on their portals or websites), but also the inconsistent implementation of this, especially with respect to the use of semantic technologies as well as the legal frameworks under which the open data are provided, resulting in low levels of interoperability among them. The interviews that were conducted revealed that the opening of some of their data was not a priority for them, as their limited resources had to be used for the development of internal information systems for increasing their efficiency, as well as e-services for the citizens, enabling them to conduct transactions electronically (through the Internet). Our study makes a contribution to the still limited body of research on OGD ecosystems, examining an important precondition for their development that has not been researched in previous literature; also, our framework can contribute to the increase of interoperability of OGD infrastructures and therefore to the increase of social and economic value generations for the OGD they provide

C. Alexopoulos, Mohsan Ali, M.I. Maratsi, N. Rizum, Y. Charalabidis, E. Loukis, S. Saxena, Assessing the availability and interoperability of open government data (OGD) supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs) and value creation in the gulf cooperation council (GCC), Quality & Quantity, pp. 21, 2024, Springer, (to_appear), , IF =

Value creation and innovation by a range of stakeholders, including citizens, analysts, journalists, non-profit entities, etc. are the hallmarks of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives. At the same time, availability and interoperability of datasets are determined as two of the most important factors for value creation. In parallel, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are meant to be realized to attain quality of life through the development of initiatives based on the value creation and innovation provided by the afore-identified stakeholders. Thus, the information provided from the public sector OGD regarding SDGs would help the monitoring of current and the identification of next actions and initiatives. The examination of SDG datasets availability and the assessment of their interoperability would provide valuable insights regarding the extent to which the data are of high-value. In that vein, the availability and the interoperability dimensions of the OGD provisioned via the national OGD portals of the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) constituents; viz., Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, are studied based on a semi-automatic methodological approach. In this light, the present study seeks to answer the following research question: “To what extent are the national OGD portals of the GCC region catering for the interoperability dimensions, more specifically, the semantic interoperability, to facilitate value creation and innovation?” To drive home the arguments, semantic interoperability dimensions were investigated via the cosine similarity calculations in Python to understand the extent to which the availability of OGD via the national OGD portals facilitates their interoperability. Findings show that the value creation and innovation initiatives to realize the SDGs’ attainment is dependent upon both the availability and the extent of interoperability for all SDGs. GCC countries present different levels of both factors. This is suggestive of the mismatch of the OGD provision and their attributes which results in low interoperability. Findings from the study are indicators that the GCC countries should develop different strategies regarding the availability and the interoperability of SDG-related OGD in order to stimulate innovation and value creation.


Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

M.I. Maratsi, Mohsan Ali, C. Alexopoulos, S. Saxena, N. Rizum, Y. Charalabidis, Analyzing Open Government High Value Datasets: Availability, Publishers’ Contribution and Technical Specifications, International Conference on Business Informatics Research, (ed), (eds), (to_appear), pp. 291-310, Dec, 2023, Springer Nature Switzerland,
E. Loukis, Mohsan Ali, Predicting Digital Winners and Losers in Economic Crises Using Artificial Intelligence and Open Government Data, 20th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), (ed), (eds), (to_appear), Dec, 2023, Dubai, UAE,

In market-based economies often appear significant decreases of economic activity, which lead to recessionary economic crises. These economic crises have quite negative consequences for firms, as they lead to significant decrease of their sales revenues; firms respond by decreasing on one hand their production and in general operational activities and expenses, personnel employment and materials’ procurement, and on the other hand their investments in production equipment, digital technologies, etc., which leads to technological obsolescence. This reduction of investments, and especially of the ones in digital technologies, due to their importance for firms’ efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation, can have quite negative impact on their future competitiveness, and even put at risk their survival. However, these negative consequences of economic crises differ significantly among firms: some of them exhibit a lower vulnerability to the crisis, so they have less negative consequences, while some other firms exhibit a higher vulnerability, and have more negative consequences; so the competitive position of the former is significantly strengthened with respect to the latter, and finally the former are the ‘winners’ of the crisis, while the latter are the ‘losers’. This paper proposes a methodology for predicting the winner and loser firms of future economic crises with respect to a highly important class of technologies: the digital technologies. In particular, the proposed methodology enables the prediction of the multi-dimensional ‘pattern of digital vulnerability’ of an individual firm to a future economic crisis, which consists of the degrees of reduction of the main types of ‘digital investments’ as well as ‘digital operating expenses’ in a future economic crisis. For this purpose, we are using Machine Learning algorithms, in combination with the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), in order to increase their performance, which are trained using open government data from Statistical Authorities. Furthermore, a first application/validation of the proposed methodology is presented, using open data from the Greek Statistical Authority for 363 firms for the severe Greek economic crisis period 2009-2014, which gave satisfactory results concerning the prediction of nine different aspects of digital vulnerability to economic crisis (five of them concerned the main types of digital investment, and the other four concerned the main types of digital operating expenses).

C. Alexopoulos, Mohsan Ali, Y. Charalabidis, S. Saxena, E. Loukis, N. Rizum, Value Derivation via Open Government Data (ODG) for Attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via Trade & Commerce: Case Study of Select Trading Partners, Proceedings of ISGOV Conference, (ed), (eds), (to_appear), Sep, 2023, Poznan, Poland,

Given the impetus upon the availability and quality of Open Government Data (OGD) as prime considerations for usability, the value derivation through OGD interoperability unleashes vistas for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via economic activities. Therefore, economic growth and development in terms of the SDGs attainment is possible in the globalized contexts where trade & commerce assume significance. For the present study, SDG-specific OGD across the 4 OGD national portals (UK, US, The Netherlands, Greece) are assessed across the availability-interoperability axes to understand how trade & commerce amongst the 4 trading partners might facilitate the attainment of 17 SDGs with value derivation initiatives across commercial products/services of the stakeholders. Specifically, cosine similarity is assessed for drawing inferences for the availability-interoperability loci. Findings show that most value derivation activities via trade & commerce towards the attainment of SDGs in the 4 countries are facilitated across SDG4 (Quality Education) and SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) where the availability-interoperability focus is strongest whilst the reverse is true for SDG 5 (Gender Equality); SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals) where the availability-interoperability focus is weakest. The findings are suggestive of the need for the practitioners and policy-makers to institutionalize OGD initiatives with qualitatively robust OGD to stimulate value creation via trade & commerce products/services in the domains linked with the SDGs.

E. Loukis, S. Saxena, N. Rizum, M.I. Maratsi, Mohsan Ali, C. Alexopoulos, ChatGPT Application vis-a-vis Open Government Data (OGD): Capabilities, Public Values, Issues and a Research Agenda, International Conference on Electronic Government EGOV 2023, (ed), (eds), (to_appear), pp. 95-110, Aug, 2023, Budapest, Hungary, Springer,

As a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) application, ChatGPT holds pertinence not only for the academic, medicine, law, computing or other sectors, but also for the public sector-case in point being the Open Government Data (OGD) initiative. However, though there has been some limited (as this topic is quite new) research concerning the capabilities ChatGPT in these sectors, there has been no research about the capabilities it can provide to government concerning its wide range of functions and activities. This paper contributes to filling this gap by investigating the capabilities that the ChatGPT can provide concerning one of most recently initiated and novel, and at the same time most promising, activities of government that aims to fuel the emerging data economy and society: the opening of large amounts of government data; furthermore, we investigate the public values that can be promoted through the use of ChatGPT in the area of OGD by both the data publishers as well as their users. At the same time, we investigate the issues that the use of ChatGPT in the area of OGD can pose, which can reduce the capabilities identified as aforesaid as well as the benefits and public values that can be generated from them. For these purposes interviews with 12 experts have been conducted and their responses have been analyzed. Finally, based on our findings we have developed a research agenda concerning the exploitation of ChatGPT application in the OGD domain.

M. Loutsaris, M.I. Maratsi, C. Alexopoulos, Mohsan Ali, Y. Charalabidis, OPEN GOVERNMENT DATA AND NFTs. A PROPOSED SOLUTION FOR GOVERNMENTS, International Conference on Open Data: Open Data Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Crisis and Growth (ICOD 2022), (ed), (eds), (to_appear), Nov, 2022,
Mohsan Ali, M.I. Maratsi, E. Loukis, C. Alexopoulos, Y. Charalabidis, Analysis of reviews on Greek municipalities to improve public service delivery and citizen satisfaction: A tool for co-creation and co-design, Proceedings of the 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, (ed), (eds), (to_appear), Nov, 2022,


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Chapters in Books

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Conferences Proceedings Editor

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